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I look at life with detachment and distance, like a window shopper. Not only I study the window but also my own reflections in it.

My Hypothesis in Nut-Shell

Monday, February 21, 2005 1 comments

(Updated on 6th Nov'2005)
1. Space has a structure and is made up of massless sub-space entities moving at a speed of light.
2. There is no time or distance for such entities due to time and length dilation (as per Theory of Relativity) at such speeds.
3. Therefore Universe without any massive sub-space entity is just a lengthless and timeless singularity.
4. Action at a distance or violation of "cause-and-effect" linearity happens at this level due to absence of length and time.
5. When massless sub-space entities acquire mass by some process (Higg's Mechanism - exchange of speed for mass), the time and length sigularity is broken and the space explodes into a normal universe with perceivable distance and time.
6. Thus we the people with mass are sorrounded by space that is moving around us at speed of light.
7. Speed of Light as a fundamental constant and directional arrow of time flow is due to this movement of backcloth of space.
8. Distance and time are grainy and quantised.

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Action at a Distance Explained

Saturday, February 19, 2005 0 comments

If we just try to look at the world from the point of view of a photon - lot of things like action at a distance etc become logical.
I donot know why scientist donot do that.
A photon (imagine you are piggyback on a photon) - is moving at a speed of light. As per Relativity there would be dilation of time and space as the speed of a object increases - this reaches infinite dilation at the speed of light - at which photon is travelling. This dilation is dilation of the measuring stick. Photon's measuring stick (a metre ruler) becomes infinitly dilated (long) - so even the whole universe to it looks like a water drop as per this measuring stick. Dilation of measuring stick leads to the whole world shrinking to a point as far as the photon is considered. Therefore two photons actually may be touching each other but for us humans thay appear to be distance apart since we donot suffer the space- dilation. What to us is action at a distance is only a action at handshaking distance for two photons.In fact same dilation in time can obliterate cause and effect sequencing for photonic phenomenon.

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Fish Eye Cosmos Revisited


You were with Girishoton, the photon, when our millions of light year sized universe shrunk to just a waterdrop size for him as a result of time dilation and dimensional shrinking at the speed of light.
To him it was just a drop of water. Imagine a bacteria in a drop of water. To us thats just a small drop - but to the bacteria its a complete universe. There are millions of bacteria's brothers - homo-bacterium should we say - in this drop. A small dust particle in the drop is a big mountain for them. The whole drop would appear to be a light-years sized thing for them. May be they have a complete social structure (- presided over by a President of their universe). May be they have their own theories of origin and future of their world. For us humans, this could be a sobering analogy - We and our Theories of Everything - My Foot or TOE. Think it over.

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World According To A Photon


Imagine if I were a photon!
A plain and simple photon of energy (or visible light).
Call me Girishoton.
Traveling at the speed of light. This is the speed reserved for mass less particles like me not even for neutrinos who do have a smattering of mass.
What does the world looks like to me as Girishoton. Sorry I would have to take you to Relativity for that. At speed of light, time dilation that occurs for all moving particle has become infinite time has come to stand still. Even during a nanosecond of my time your world would have passed millions of years. My colleague photons that were present at the time of the big bang are only less than a second old while the world has taken billions of years to come to this stage.
More weird is what has happened to Space. Due to same dilation effect on moving particles lengths and dimensions have shrunk infinitely for me. I have developed the cosmic fish eye view. The whole universe has shrunk to a size of a point to me. I can be anywhere in this universe with slightest of shuffle. Couple this with time-stillness - I can be at any two different places at almost the same point of time from my point of view. Action at a distance simultaneously being at a number of different places is as natural to me as for a couch potato TV addict to be at the same place for a number of different times.
To me all photons all matter particles compacted into my water-drop world are all linked and form on breathing heaving single whole.
Welcome to my strange world full of nothing no-space not even an iota of time.
Will you come along with me for my next journey.

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Space is made up of sub-space entities


We are quite comfortable with the concept of matter having a atomic and subatomic structure - with particle physics - "as this science is called" - leading us into seemingly weird (to common sense) concepts.Ultimately all matter is constituted by "QUARKS" -which are the fundamental building blocks known to date - which like chimera cannot exist independently but only when they come together to form atomic particles.Should we not look at the possibility of space having a structure of its own.
Perhaps if we do discover it - lot of strangeness from material particle physics would get explained in more comprehensible theories.This is because material structure drama is played out in back drop of space - which if it has a structure not known to us - causes "browninan motion" like behaviour in material subatomic particles. Present particle physics ties itself into knots explaining such behavior.In fact one of the explanation of quantum mechanics is "Hidden Variables".

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Nothing made up of Sub-nothings; Things made up of NothingI


I am deeply interested in physics - particle physics and quantum Mechanics as an amature theoretician. I like to theorize on the enigma of this field. I believe that space - that absence of things - or nothing - deserves more research. I believe its "nothing" that really matters. Could it be that space has a structure of its own - made up of massless - neutrino like particles. Could there be a new source of energy locked up in this structure of space. Can we use this energy. Does space transform into matter through "Higgs Mechanism". Are virtual Particles thrown up by space structure transformations. Wild ?? Dreamy??? Hmmm. Someday we will know. Well on a more metaphysical note - in real life also - does nothing really matters.

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