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Vacuum States Of Space in String Theory & Standard Model

Saturday, August 23, 2008 2 comments

Round 6: Nothing About Vacuum

While the Standard Model goes overboard with quantum effects that prevail at less than Planck's length (10-33 CM). Its almost a boiling cauldron with virtual particle and breaking of various conservations/symmetries. The String theory is rather mum about what is there besides strings at such scale of universe. How does it make or break the theories?

While its not so devastating for String Theory, since Strings are Planck-length sized and hence even if you do not look below that length, your theory works at Planck length - where the boiling cauldron effect of smaller lengths is not there.
But Standard Model - Hmm.... As German would have said "Ganz Schlim". Very Bad. The particle like neutrino, quarks and electrons as per this theory are point sized. That is they are singularity with no size at all. So you have to drill down to zero length to work the theory. It gets into problems. Its only by sleight of Renormalization that anomalies and infinities are kept away. Read my earlier post on Renormalizarion.
String or Standard, no theory can expect to be complete unless it can explain what is beyond their particles in the Vacuum. You cannot do just "Nothing" about "nothing". Nothing cannot be left alone.
Even String theory has to come about the vacuum states of universe.
In that sense both theories are inadequate. Standard Model by not being able to handle vacuum states till the point sized particles and String Theory by trying to avoid dealing with vacuum states at all.
This round goes Zero-Zero to Both. With score remaining 3-1/6 in favour of String Theory.

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2 comments: to “ Vacuum States Of Space in String Theory & Standard Model so far...

  • Anonymous October 28, 2008 3:38 AM

    Vacuum is of two or more types false and true.
    True vacuum is not true vaccum but is potential emptiness it is" a concept state;
    It houses the meaning of the square root of a negative number renormalization of this negen state is by actualization by way of squaring.
    \This is my original Hypothesis , and I am a Doctor.
    The meaning of Devolution is the secret.

  • Cindy January 09, 2012 1:58 PM

    Such a great article it was which String Theory, since Strings are Planck-length sized and hence even if you do not look below that length, your theory works at Planck length - where the boiling cauldron effect of smaller lengths is not there. In deed he particle like neutrino, quarks and electrons as per this theory are point sized. That is they are singularity with no size at all. Thanks a lot for sharing this article.

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