Fit In With The Past & Predict Future
Sunday, May 22, 2005 Labels: My Hypothesis 0 commentsWhat are the facts that a theory of structure of space (e.g. my hypothesis) will have to satisfy? In addition, what are the verifyable new predictions that could be expected from it?
Facts to be satisfied: -
- It should integrate within itself all the four fundamental forces.
- It should generate a satisfying theory of gravitation and prove/disprove General Theory of Relativity in this regard.
- Electromagnetic Theory about propagation and properties of Electromagnetic waves should be a by-product of structure of space.
- It should fit-in with the Special Theory of Relativity about the Mechanics at speeds near the speed of light.
- Quantum Mechanics should also be a natural by-product of this theory.
- It should fit-in neatly with (or supplant) the prevalent theory of particle Physics.
- In particular it should explain the existence and properties of Quarks and Gluons, which make up the Nucleus.
- Moreover It should reduce the large zoo of fundamental particles as given by present theories, to a smaller number of sub-space entities (these may not be particles - lets not hazard a guess).
- Then it should also explain how various particles acquire mass and various properties designated by various quantum numbers.
- It should explain how such sub-space entities give rise to various particles seen in experiments and in nature/ cosmic rays.
- It should be able to fit-in (or supplant) the theories of the origin of the cosmos (Big-Bang, inflationary Universe).
Despite all the above, I would not call such a theory as Theory of Everything (TOE) - the term is rather too obscene to be Physics!
Predictions that could be expected: -
It should be a verifiable theory and should generate some new predictions - which should be provable by experiments: -
- What about predictions for use of weak and strong nuclear forces as a source of energy for everyday use?
- How about generating energy by direct sublimation of particles with mass into sub-space mass less entities without fission or fusion.
- How about direct conversion of electron into charge less mass less sub-space entity?